Hey, I'm Vincent Chabot

Embedded Hardware/Software Engineer

I recently graduated from Electrical Engineering (2019) and have over the past few years developed a growing passion for making things. I am fascinated by technology and I am always looking to further my knowledge in whichever way that I can.

Things I Can Do

Through schooling and personnal projects, I've acquired various skills!

  • C, Assembly
  • Altium, KiCad, Orcad
  • Eclipe, Keil uVision, Microsoft Visual Studio, STM32CubeMX, Git
  • STM32F0, STM32L4, ESP32, ATmega328
  • Vehicle electrical architecture
  • CAN, I2C, SPI

Places I've Worked

The Lion Electric Co.  -  Embedded Systems

(January 2020 - Now)

Since graduating university, I've had the pleasure of working on the development of Lion Electric's first generation of fully electric buses and trucks.

Skills developped:
  • EV electrical architecture
  • Multiplexed control architecture
  • CAN bus

WowWee  -  Embedded Systems

(April 2019 - August 2019)

My third university internship was completed as an embedded systems developper for WowWee. During my time there, I designed and developped multiple robotic toys from scratch.

Skills developped:
  • C programming in Keil uVision
  • Hardware design in KiCad
  • 3D printing on Prusa MK3

Zayo  -  Communication Technician 2

(February 2018 - April 2019)

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Skills developped:
  • Network troubleshooting
  • Incident resolution
  • Various network device configurations

Centum Adetel  -  Hardware Designer

(April 2018 - August 2018)

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Skills developped:
  • Hardware design in OrCad
  • Prototype assembly
  • Product documentation and certification

Canadian Pacific  -  Track Evaluation Car Technician

(August 2016 - December 2016)

For my first university internship, I had the opportunity to travel across North America evaluating and documenting the quality of railways.

Projects I've Made

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Possibly broke spacetime

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Terraformed a small moon

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Snapped dark matter in the wild

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Contact Me

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